Location: Jindabyne & Wilsons Valley, Snowy Mountains / Snowy Monaro Region, New South Wales
Client: Roads & Maritime Services NSW / Transport for NSW
Industry: Public Infrastructure – NSW Government Infrastructure
Scope: Construction of Custom Industrial Shelter Sheds
Contractor: Edwards Constructions

Project Overview - Shed Construction
Industrial Shed Builders – Asset Building Systems (ABS) was engaged by innovative partner Edwards Constructions for the construction of two custom truck wash bay shelters within the Snowy Mountains / Snowy Monaro Region of NSW. One in Jindabyne, another in Wilsons Valley.
Naturally, handling the weight of snow was always going to be an integral part of the design requirements of these two shed construction additions – due to the climate of the region.
The two separate custom truck way bay shelters featured a UB Column and portal frame construction, with snow loading engineering for the roof of the sheds, to handle the weight of the snow – finished with 2-pack paint for aesthetics and durability.
Were there any project obstacles that the ABS team had to overcome?
Access surrounding the new truck wash shelters was tight and installation was slow and tedious. For example, installing the sheeting was very difficult as the rock face was immediately against the building, but as always, we persisted with care and patience to ultimately complete the project on time. In the end, we ended up installing the sheeting via abseiling (with snakes showing up randomly around the nearby rocks!).
Furthermore, when bracing conflicted with existing switchboard, Asset Building rose to the challenge of shortening the bracing, as well as completing onsite two pack paint remediation work.

Why were Asset Building Systems Chosen?
Asset Building was selected by Roads & Maritime Services NSW / Transport NSW due to our long-standing reputation as authoritative shed construction contractors for the State of NSW.
With a proven track record for project managing and partnering on over , it was clear to the Government agency that we were able to fabricate the new structural steel shelters within the short-timeframe that was put forward in the initial proposal.
Presenting RMS with a competitive price as a turnkey package, Asset Building was no doubt a major advantage over the multi-contractor option which was going to be too expensive and disconnected.
As NSW’s most trusted shed builders, we’d love to learn more about your project.
Shed Design (Snow Load) - Australian Standards
Most structural steel sheds and shelters constructed in Australia will have their design limits governed by wind actions. However, in certain alpine and subalpine areas it is just as important to consider the impact of snow fall (design snow load).
Australian Standard AS/NZS 1170.3:2003 – structural design actions – part 3: snow and ice actions provides design values of snow and ice actions for use in structural design.
This standard is intended to be used in conjunction with AS/NZS 1170.0, which gives the procedure for structural design. Snow regions are defined and ground snow loads are provided for a range of annual probabilities of exceedance.
Other variable factors relate to the environment around the structure, the geometry of the structure and the effect of winds on snow distribution.
During our discovery call, we’ll discuss your business needs, the purpose of your desired shed construction, your unique preferences or specifications, and other important information. Through this, we’ll be able to prepare for you a budget estimate that’s customized to your needs.
Learn more about Asset Building Systems Shed Construction & Project Management Capabilities
View Case Study: Maintenance Workshop at Gold Mine
Are you short of space in your current shed?
Learn more about a turnkey Shed Extension with Asset Building Systems.